GCSA elections
If you want to represent Georgian College students, help decide what events and activities should run, and have a say in how student fees are spent, then consider running for a position on the Georgian College Students’ Association (GCSA).
GCSA executive elections
About positions and elections
GCSA executive elections run every year in January and February.
Position term is from May 1 to April 30.
All positions are paid an honorarium.
Being a part of GCSA allows you to:
- act as an advocate for all students
- get to know other student leaders
- spruce up your resumé for graduation
- put some extra money in your pocket
Important dates:
- Nominations: January 20 to 31
- Campaigning: February 3 to 17
- Voting: February 18 to 20
Learn more about how you can join GCSA on MyGCLife
Questions? Contact your campus representative
The GCSA Constitution is the document put together by the Students’ Executive Council at the Barrie, Orillia, Owen Sound and regional campuses to provide guidelines for all student governance at Georgian.
2024/2025 elected council
Barrie Campus
Dikshant Thukral
Email Dikshant
VP Administration
Jerin Mathew
Email Jerin
VP Health and Fitness
Ayush Patel
Email Ayush
VP Student Engagement
Nihar Patel
Email Nihar
VP Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging
Harshdeep Kaur
Email Harshdeep
VP Student Sustainability
Dhairya Kotak
Email Dhairya
Orillia Campus
Mitch LaChance
Email Mitch
VP Student Engagement
VP Equity and Inclusion
Rayna Thomas
Email Rayna
VP Health & Well-being
Ayla Robson
VP Community Engagement
Brianna Dobbing
Email Brianna
VP Internal Relations
Owen Sound Campus
Nicole Nakitto Kwagala
Email Nicole
VP Internal Relations
Ashish Thomas
Email Ashish
VP Public Relations
Akshay Raghu
Email Akshay
VP Health and Wellness
Joseph Ogboke
Email Joseph
VP Administration
Ancy Joy
Email Ancy
VP Student Engagement
Harikrishnan Asokan
Email Harikrishnan
Board of Governors representative
The term for the student representative on the Board of Governors is Sept. 1, 2024 to Aug. 31, 2025. This is a volunteer position; the student governor provides a link to the board for the student body and participates on Board committees as well as attends a variety of college functions (e.g. opening ceremonies, awards, etc.). Governors are reimbursed for expenses such as travel, meals and accommodations for board-approved business. The student governor is encouraged to attend the Higher Education Summit that is held annually in Toronto at the end of November.
- Nominations: March 4 at 8 a.m. to March 15 at 2 p.m.
- Campaigning: March 18 to March 29 at 4 p.m.
- Voting: April 1 at 9 a.m. to April 3 at 4 p.m.
*Please note, there is one position available; the Board of Governors Representative is college-wide.
For more information, email Sheona Morrison, Manager, Student Leadership and Transition Programs.