Study Honours Bachelor of Police Studies part-time

Honours Bachelor Degree

Broaden your understanding of the nature, role and function of policing. Learn the science and application behind it. Excel in your career.

Please refer to the Honours Bachelor of Police Studies program page for all of the main details, including admissions requirements.

Program information

Program description

The Honours Bachelor of Police Studies degree encourages a broadened critical understanding of the nature, role and function of policing. Students will explore a variety of topics offering opportunities for careers in law enforcement. The program learning outcomes value an integrated learning approach to police education that will provide a diverse range of students with the critical mix of professionalism, technical/legal expertise and analytical skills necessary to succeed in justice-related careers. This multi-dimensional degree complements, rather than duplicates, existing educational initiatives, offering courses that encourage increasing levels of thinking and analysis, which are dynamic in design, rationale and delivery. The learning outcomes are designed to directly calibrate with the policing community and its high professional standards.

Review program admission requirements and information about career opportunities.

A police officer with short, brown hair and a stubble in uniform standing next to a police cruiser labeled "Anishinabek"

Information about part-time delivery

This part-time delivery option is open to current police professionals only. Students must be accepted into the program prior to course registration. Advanced standing is available to professionals working in the field and qualifying graduates of related postsecondary programs. Part-time students are subject to the availability of courses in each semester. All courses are offered fully online. For information on the part-time program, please review the information package below, or contact

  • Please ensure you have the applicable program admissions requirements.
  • Currently employed or retired police, RCMP and military professionals at the rank of first class constable or higher
  • Complete an application for prior learning assessment and recognition (PLAR) and exemptions as per Georgian College academic calendar

Please note, due to advanced standing provided to police professionals, POLC 1000 and 2000 series courses (year one and two in the full-time program) are not available through part-time online study. Individuals interested in this program without prior police experience are requested to apply to the full time degree program. Please refer to the website for full-time course listings. Required courses will be determined on an individual basis depending on advanced standing granted. Course offerings listed below are those offered online and reflect the typical advanced standing requirements.

Course information

Course offerings and equivalents

Currently available courses are listed below.

Canadian Criminal Justice
POLC 1002
Community Policing
POLC 1008
Criminal Law: Advanced Theories
POLC 3007
Criminal Procedures and Evidence
POLC 3008
POLC 2011
Dispute Resolution
POLC 4014
Diversity, Equity, and Human Rights
POLC 1009
Document and Case Management
POLC 1010
Foundations of Interviewing
POLC 3002
Health and Wellness 2
POLC 2008
Human Resources Management in Policing
POLC 4005
Interdisciplinary Modes of Communication
INTS 1007
Introduction to Forensic Science
POLC 2010
Introduction to Multidisciplinary Research
INTS 1002
Introduction to Police Studies
POLC 1000
Leadership Models and Theories
MNGM 1000
Police Powers in Canada
POLC 2003
Policing and Society
POLC 3012
Principles in Traffic Law
POLC 2012
Provincial Offences
POLC 2006
Strategic Communications
POLC 1001
Youth Crime and Justice
POLC 2009

How to apply to the part-time Honours Bachelor of Police Studies degree program

Apply online through

  1. Make sure you meet program admission requirements
  2. Complete an online application using the Ontario College Application Service (OCAS) using the part-time program code
  3. When registration opens,  select the course(s) from the program webpage course listing and follow the prompt steps to register and pay

Need help with your application?

Watch a video tutorial

Contact the Office of the Registrar

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Finance and fees

Are part-time students eligible for the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP)?Georgian College Chevron

As a part-time student, you may be eligible for OSAP funding, depending on the number of courses you take per semester.

For more information about OSAP, including eligibility requirements and how to apply, visit the OSAP/financial aid webpage.

What is the cost of the program?Georgian College Chevron

As a part-time student, you can take one to three courses per semester, paying on a course-by-course basis.

For course fee information, select a course from the course information section of this page.

Online learning

What is an OntarioLearn (ODE) course?Georgian College Chevron

These courses are offered through OntarioLearn. Visit the OntarioLearn webpage to learn more.

OntarioLearn courses are set up as equivalents to the Georgian courses. You can choose to take the ODE courses or the Georgian courses.

When a Georgian course isn’t available to be delivered online, we’ve listed an OntarioLearn course in the delivery schedule. The majority of the Georgian courses have ODE equivalents set up. You can choose to take either course.

Credit for Prior Learning (CPL)

Can I transfer credits or prior life or work experience to fast track my studies?Georgian College Chevron

Previous postsecondary education: If you’ve completed courses, or some or all of a program, at another accredited postsecondary institution, you may be able to transfer all or some of your courses into a related program at Georgian.

Relevant work or life experience: If you have relevant work and/or life experience that relates to your program(s) of interest at Georgian, Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) is an academic credit option.

To learn more about transfer credit and PLAR, visit the Credit for Prior Learning webpage.

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Continuing Education